Curriculum & Instruction

Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment
The Rochester School Department will...

  • Ensure rigorous and relevant curricula are in place in all content areas to engage all students. Curricula and instruction will be supported through a professional development structure designed to strengthen curricula and promote highly effective instructional strategies.

  • Ensure that each classroom in the district has a management plan to provide common expectations and consistency for students within each learning environment.

  • Develop and implement service and leadership opportunities for students in grades K – 12.


  • Develop and implement collaborative structures that focus on student and professional learning.

  • Build a culture where staff and students are empowered to positively impact their own learning and performance.


  • Develop and implement an accountability plan, including evaluation tools for attaining district goals.

Competency-Based Education Information


 July 1, 2017–June 30, 2022 - Approved New Hampshire Department of Education