REACH Preschool

The REACH pre-school program is an important part of the Rochester School Department. The pre-school program services Rochester early learners (3 to 5) with many different ability levels. The program is located on the campus of the East Rochester Elementary School, which is on 773 Portland Street. The Pre-School/REACH program is separate from the ERS building, as we have our own building to meet the needs of our early learners. The philosophy of our program is that All Children Learn, Play, Share and Grow Together allowing all to develop at their own personal pace. Our classrooms are integrated and placement of students is based on classroom openings, and not student ability levels.
REACH has four classrooms staffed by highly educated and outstanding staff. All our classroom teachers are N.H. Highly Qualified (HQT), with N.H. certifications in Early Childhood Special Ed, along with Master level degrees. The program also has state licensed Speech Pathologist, Occupational and, Physical Therapist, and a school nurse as part of our support staff. Our Para Educators are also Highly Qualified and well trained in early childhood education.
The pre-school program uses the same Positive Behavior Intervention System (PBIS), Everyday Math, Reading Street, and Handwriting With-Out Tears that is aligned with the Rochester School District. The PBIS provides a school culture and climate that respects all learners and their families. The program uses the New Hampshire Early Learning Standards for 3 to 5 years old.
The REACH program has two morning sessions for our younger students M-W-F and Tue-Thur that both run from 8:50 to 11:00 AM. The afternoon session is for our older students and it runs M-T-Th-F from 12:00 to 2:30, with No afternoon class on Wednesday. The program follows the Rochester school District calendar and during inclement weather if there is a 2 hour delay, there is No Morning Program. If you have any questions regarding the Rochester pre-school/REACH program, or need additional information, please call us at 603-332-2146.
Thank you REACH Staff
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