Title I Schoolwide Program Plan
Title I Monthly Newsletters
September 23 Newsletter
What is Title I?
Title I is a Federal Grant Program
It is allocated to the Rochester School District to provide supplementary educational support in five Rochester elementary schools (William Allen, School Street, East Rochester, Chamberlain, & Nancy Loud). Supplementary support is key instruction provided by Title I-funded staff members in addition to core instruction from the classroom teacher.
Monies flow to school districts based upon, in good part, the percentage of students receiving free or reduced lunches. Children receive Title I support because the additional academic support can help their progress. This support is determined by assessment measures such as DIBELS, NWEA, and informal classroom assessments. Your child may receive these services through small group instruction or individualized, targeted instruction. Four elementary schools in the Rochester School District are schoolwide Title I schools, so parent and child may not know when they are receiving services because the services are integrated within classroom instruction. Your child may report that they were in a particular group for instruction with a different teacher than their regular classroom teacher. This is how the instructional plan should look in your school.
What Is The Goal?
The purpose of the program is to give children extra support in reading in order to meet the state’s high academic standards.
Title I Support
Title I support is provided by Title I teachers, social workers, and paraprofessionals in our district. Federal requirements dictate that Title I paraprofessionals must have a minimum of two years of college or a Paraprofessional II certification, though SAU54 enjoys the benefit of many Title I paraprofessionals who exceed these minimum requirements.
Title I Schools Commitment / Compact
Title I schools make a commitment to parents to communicate about the Title I program.
Parents will be invited to review this policy annually and provide feedback. Title I schools will solicit parental input in the development of the Title I plan, program evaluation, and school improvement efforts during parent conferences held annually. District administration and the Title I team will seek ways to build parental capacity for involvement. School staff and parents will seek ways to integrate Title I parental involvement strategies with other programs.
What is a Family School Compact?
A Family-School Compact for Achievement is an agreement that parents, students, and teachers develop together. It explains how the school community will work together to make sure all students get the individual support they need to reach and exceed grade level standards.
Title I schools will commit to involving parents in the schools in many ways:
Schoolwide Title I schools will share assessment results with parents.
Schoolwide Title I schools will share information with parents through newsletters, parent events, and paper copies if appropriate.
Title I teachers will participate in parent-teacher conferences upon request
Title I teachers will encourage parents to reinforce learning at home
Schoolwide Title I schools will hold parent meetings annually
Schoolwide Title I schools will provide high quality curriculum and instruction in a supportive and effective learning environment that meets local, state, and national standards.
Parents will remain involved in their child’s education in the following ways:
Parents will participate in parent/teacher conferences
Parents will ask questions about their child’s education.
Parents will reinforce learning at home by practicing reading and math skills, and checking homework.
Parents will convey a positive attitude about school and learning.
Parents will take an interest in their child’s learning.
Students will be actively engaged in their learning in the following ways:
Students will do their best to complete what is expected at their grade level
Students will listen to their teachers and complete their work on time
Students will take home and bring back all assigned work
Students will be responsible for their own behavior
Students will ask for help when they need it
Students will read for pleasure.
Complaint Procedure
If an individual feels a violation of the Federal Requirements has been made, that person may make a written complaint which will be handled at the local level. If the complaint is not resolved at the local level, then an individual may have it reviewed by the state Title I Director. Forms are available for this purpose and available through the central office.
150 Wakefield Street
Rochester, NH 03867