Remote learning days will be determined by the Superintendent's office.
Students should log into their Google Classroom at 8:30am for attendance and to begin their day.
Attendance is very important. If your child will not be participating it is still important that you notify the school as to why your child was not present in class.
Each classroom’s schedule will be a bit different and will be posted in their Google Classroom.
Students will be live with their teacher until lunch. After lunch students will be doing independent work but teachers will be available through their Google Meet link as well as via email until 3:00.
Access to most applications or websites can be accessed through the Clever single sign-on ( Click on "log in as student" and then log in with your child's Google username and password.
Depending on the severity of the weather, there may or may not be someone in the school office. Messages will be checked throughout the day and you can reach Mr. Brown anytime at