Our Read- a-Thon starts on February 27, and we are setting a goal for each grade to read 10,000 minutes. Sounds like a daunting number, doesn’t it? Actually if each student reads 20 minutes a day for both weeks, our school will surpass that goal!
Why 20 minutes a day?
The research says when we read 20 minutes a day, we are exposed to 1.8 BILLION words a year, and for every year you read with your child, average lifetime earnings increase by $50.000!
Reading builds our brain! It strengthens our visual cortex and memory functions, and slows down mental decline later in life. It develops our imagination and logical thinking skills.
Because it disconnects us from our stress and puts us in a meditative state, it can reduce stress by as much as 68! It has been found to help relieve insomnia if we read the 20 minutes before bedtime. It even helps us build empathy.
Please join us in reading 20 minutes each day with your child and improving your mind and body as well!