Arrival & Dismissal Procedures
A safe and efficient arrival & dismissal process is important to our staff and students. Families have done a great job following the traffic pattern around RMS to our designated arrival and dismissal zone.
Please be sure to review the following important reminders to ensure this, with the help with some of our 90's pop stars for visual.
Reminder #1:
Goodbyes should be said while all parties are still in the car. Once your student is out of the car and walking to an entrance, it's important they stay focused on entering the playground and you stay focused on exiting the lane safely.
Reminder #2:
It's important that families stay in their cars during morning drop off and afternoon pick up. If you need to get out of your vehicle for any reason, such as unbuckling a child in a 5 point harness, please pull to the front of the line where you can quickly help your child out of your vehicle. It is important that vehicles do not block the drop off line by parking, getting out of the vehicle and letting students out. If this happens in front of you, please be patient as staff addresses those involved and wait in line. Please do not drive around parked vehicles unless instructed by staff.
If you have any questions about arrival, please contact Mrs. Jerr at 332-2180.