❗️Have you seen this awesome feature on MYBOOSTER.COM? ❗️ When you give to support our students and staff, you can also check out if your employer will match the donation. All funds donated to our school through this matching feature are 100% profit for our school! That means more funds for our school with the click of a button for you 🎉 See if your employer matches now on MYBOOSTER.COM.
about 1 year ago, McClelland Elementary School
Did someone say “BONUS!” Oh, yes, it was us! 👀 Our community has been working hard over the past few weeks to help us reach our goal of $10,000. To say “thank you” (and help us keep raising funds), we’ve got a BONUS PRIZE for students to earn THIS WEEKEND ONLY by getting donations. ❗️This is a limited time window, so head to MYBOOSTER.COM today to learn more. ❗️ Thanks for helping our school raise funds this year and have a great weekend!!
about 1 year ago, McClelland Elementary School
Happy Birthday Jack! #birthdayselfie
about 1 year ago, McClelland Elementary School
about 1 year ago, McClelland Elementary School
McClelland School families! We’re on our way to reaching our goal of $10,000. Thank you for your support so far! Did you know you can ask for pledges from ANYONE in the world? That’s right! We’re trying to get a pledge from all 50 states. Who knows someone from: Nebraska? Oregon? Connecticut? Tennessee? Let them know you’re helping your school and see if they’ll make a donation to help us reach our goal. Click here to Register and Share on MYBOOSTER.COM! 🤩Remember, any funds raised DIRECTLY impact students and staff! Thanks so much!
about 1 year ago, McClelland Elementary School
Thank you PSU TIGER for showing us the value in Teaming Up Together!
about 1 year ago, McClelland Elementary School
Join Team McClelland! We have a secretary opening for the 2023-2024 school year. Job posting can be found here: https://www.applitrack.com/rochesterschools/onlineapp/JobPostings/view.asp?AppliTrackJobId=859&FromAdmin=True
about 1 year ago, McClelland Elementary School
McClelland School families! We’re on our way to reaching our goal of $10,000 for an outdoor shade structure but we need YOUR help! 💻 Register your student(s) on mybooster.com. (They’ll get a FREE reward!) 🤩Create your Student Star Video on mybooster.com. (If you haven’t already, check these out, they’re awesome!) 🎁 Share your student star video with friends and family. If you are able, please consider donating to our school. (Reminder: all students get to participate in our fundraiser, no matter your ability to give!) Our students are so excited, thanks for helping make our fundraiser great! 🙌🏼
about 1 year ago, McClelland Elementary School
Thank you Nurse Amy and Nurse Elizabeth for taking care of us all!
about 1 year ago, McClelland Elementary School
BOOSTER dismissal FUN!
about 1 year ago, McClelland Elementary School
Our team had a great time showering Miss Hatch today with some good ole play time!
about 1 year ago, McClelland Elementary School
McClelland School families, your student(s) can be a part of making history! How?! Head to MYBOOSTER.COM to register your student for our fundraiser and make a Student Star Video on mybooster.com. Click the “Share Button” to share with 3 people that you know! This year we’re trying to reach our goal of $10,000 for an outdoor shade structure. Each “share” and donation gets us closer to our goal. Thanks for participating & making a difference here at McClelland School!
about 1 year ago, McClelland Elementary School
Congratulations to our 5 winners for our BOOSTER Mighty Mac Fun Run Family Sweepstakes who have earned a car line pass! Emily Easterling Erin Rydin Sarah Doukas Tinika Grady Lauren Crossman Additional information will be sent to winners through email.
about 1 year ago, McClelland Elementary School
Tomorrow is an Early Release Day with a 12:15 dismissal. Please be sure your student knows how they will be getting home!
about 1 year ago, McClelland Elementary School.
🏁Our Mighty Mac Fun Run has begun! Today students experienced our kickoff event to start raising funds for McClelland School. This program only lasts for ONE WEEK, so please register your student TODAY on MYBOOSTER.COM. Share your donation page with family and friends. 💥Register your student for our all-inclusive event 💥 Thanks for your support of McClelland School!
about 1 year ago, McClelland Elementary School
We love our teachers!
about 1 year ago, McClelland Elementary School
Thank you to our McClelland School Lunch Heroes!
about 1 year ago, McClelland Elementary School
Please register your kindergarten student as early as possible. ​Here is the link​ to the registration information. https://bit.ly/3nEk6EL
about 1 year ago, SAU 54 Admin
Kindergarten registration
I spy with my little eye Mr Smaracko and his twins! Dress like a teacher day! #everydaypolo #polofab
about 1 year ago, McClelland Elementary School
Another great picture from the Grade 5 field trip. It was chilly!
about 1 year ago, McClelland Elementary School