Happy Birthday Magnolia! #birthdayselfie
about 2 years ago, McClelland Elementary School
Happy Birthday Harrison! #birthdayselfie
about 2 years ago, McClelland Elementary School
NO SCHOOL on Monday, January 16 in observance of Martin Luther King Day.
about 2 years ago, McClelland Elementary School.
Tomorrow is an Early Release Day with a 12:15 dismissal. Please be sure your student knows how they will be getting home!
about 2 years ago, McClelland Elementary School.
Happy Birthday Ryeden! #birthdayselfie
about 2 years ago, McClelland Elementary School
Happy Birthday Lucas! #birthdayselfie
about 2 years ago, McClelland Elementary School
What does my student need to wear during the winter months? All students should come to school with a winter jacket, snow pants, snow boots, hat and gloves. Snow pants and snow boots are required to play in the snow.
about 2 years ago, McClelland Elementary School
Mrs Dolan’s class enjoyed a book swap!
about 2 years ago, McClelland Elementary School
McClelland is looking for one more special educator to join our team. Do you know a recent graduate in the field of education? We would love an opportunity to explore if McClelland could be the right place for them to embark on their new career! Link to Job Posting: https://www.applitrack.com/rochesterschools/onlineapp/_application.aspx?posJobCodes=532&posFirstChoice=Student%20Support%20Services&posSpecialty=Special%20Education%20Teacher
about 2 years ago, Katy Keough
Special Education Position
Mobile Food Pantry information
about 2 years ago, McClelland Elementary School
Returning from a break is always a great time to revisit our code of conduct!
about 2 years ago, McClelland Elementary School
January FriYAY's!
about 2 years ago, McClelland Elementary School
HAPPY NEW YEAR! NO SCHOOL, Monday, January 2nd. See you all on Tuesday, January 3rd!
about 2 years ago, McClelland Elementary School
new year
Wishing all our McClelland families Happy Holidays as you enjoy the Holiday Break. We look forward to welcoming students back in the new year on Tuesday, January 3rd.
about 2 years ago, McClelland Elementary School
Happy Holiday's from the McClelland Office Team! https://youtu.be/lj7go38DEJY
about 2 years ago, McClelland Elementary School
Cindy Lou's Who?!?
about 2 years ago, McClelland Elementary School
cindy lou
Making brains in Mrs. Dolan’s third grade! We love that all of our students get to learn about different systems of the human body each year through our CKLA reading program.
about 2 years ago, McClelland Elementary School
Feeling festive in 5T!
about 2 years ago, McClelland Elementary School
Congrats to Ms. Deyo the winner of this years Festive Sweater contest!
about 2 years ago, McClelland Elementary School
Happy Birthday Zara! #birthdayselfie
about 2 years ago, McClelland Elementary School