Thinking of becoming a Maple Street Magnet School White Tiger? Want to learn more about our "little school with a big heart"? Join us 2/1/23 for our new family information night from 6 - 7pm! Check our website for more info & important lottery dates! @RochNHschool
Check out our December 2022 Newsletter! Celebrate our November highlights and see what is coming up in December for MSMS! Click on the link below or scan the QR code!
Good afternoon MSMS Families!
Please check your email for instructions on how to access remote learning instruction in the event of inclement weather. Please note, the district will always send out an alert to families in the event school is delayed or cancelled. Please be sure Mrs. Bourgeois has the most up to date contact information. Thank you!
Join us for our monthly PTA meeting on Tuesday, 11/15 from 6:00 - 7:00pm! See you there!
Thank you to all who have served, and continue to serve, our country!
Veteran's Day 11/11/22
Thank you, Veterans!
Friendly reminder:
Tuesday, 11/8, due to Parent Conferences, there is no school.
Wednesday, 11/9, is an Early Release Day. Parent Conferences will continue Wednesday afternoon!
Parent conferences are next week! Are you ready?
Check your email to learn more about how to ask "The Right Question"! What does DIBELS stand for? Summative assessments? Check out our "Common Acronyms You May Hear" cheat sheet! Thank you for being a part of your child's education team and we can't wait to see you!
REMINDER: Parent Conferences are on Tuesday, 11/8 (NO SCHOOL for students this day), and on 11/9 (EARLY RELEASE DAY).
​Rochester Listens and Rochester Mental Health Alliance invite you to a community conversation about mental health.
Check out our November 2022 Newsletter! Celebrate our October highlights and see what is coming up in November for MSMS! Click on the link below or scan the QR code!
Friendly reminder, tomorrow, 10/19/22 is an Early Release Day!
Friendly reminder! Don't forget to join us, tomorrow, 10/18, from 6:00 - 7:00pm for our next PTA meeting! Information on our December Holiday Concert for Maple will be shared.
Don't forget to join us, Tuesday, 10/18, from 6:00 - 7:00pm for our next PTA meeting!
Thank you Miss Suzie from Potter’s House Bakery & Cafe for taking time out of your busy day to read to our students and to talk about the importance of being kind! @RochNHSchool
Friendly reminder that MSMS October Break starts next Monday, 10/3/22! We return Tuesday, 10/11/22!
Check out our October Newsletter! Click on the link below!
Reminder: NO SCHOOL, Tuesday, 9/13/22!
Reminder: NO SCHOOL, Tuesday, 9/13/22!
Don't forget! Our annual Grandparent's/Hero Day is this Friday from 9:00 - 10:30am!