Hello WAS Families, Just sending out a quick reminder that today is an Early Release Day, 12:15 pickup. Sincerely, William Allen School
11 months ago, Dustin Gray
Dear WAS Families, PRESS RELEASE – SURVEY Superintendent Search Process Underway – Parents and Community Invited to Participate. The Rochester School Department has engaged the New England School Development Council (NESDEC) to assist them in the search process for a new Superintendent of Schools. An integral part of the process involves parent and community participation in an online survey. The survey is designed to obtain participant input about the attributes, experience, and knowledge that the new superintendent should possess. The survey also provides an opportunity for participants to identify immediate tasks which the new superintendent should address. Please access the survey at: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/D5CKK2G The survey will be open from now until Monday February 26, 2024 All comments from the online survey are considered anonymous. NESDEC will organize responses by group (administrators, staff, parents, community members, students, etc.). The responses will be provided to the School Board in a community needs assessment report, which will be used to inform the Successful Candidate Profile. The Rochester School Board appreciates the public’s involvement in the Superintendent Search process and looks forward to hearing community members’ views.
11 months ago, Dustin Gray
Kindergarten registration opens on February 1st. Please register early to reserve your spot at your zoned school. https://bit.ly/422eHap
11 months ago, SAU 54 Admin
K registration
Your perspectives and feedback are integral to the district's Strategic Planning process. This survey closes TOMORROW January 12, 2024. To get your input, we ask that you complete this brief survey. http://tinyurl.com/RochesterSDF23
12 months ago, SAU 54 Admin
RSD news
Consider participating in our strategic planning. https://bit.ly/3TvkR0p
about 1 year ago, SAU 54 Admin
Strategic Planning image
Happy Thanksgiving - https://bit.ly/46qj3ZD
about 1 year ago, SAU 54 Admin
Happy Thanksgiving card
WAS Families, Here is the correct newsletter link: https://www.smore.com/dyq80 A reminder that today is an early release day, 12:15 pickup. No school on Friday as we observe Veteran's Day. Next Wednesday, November 15th, is our annual Family Math Night, 5:00-6:00 and PIZZA!
about 1 year ago, Dustin Gray
Good Morning WAS Families, Just a reminder that this week, there is no school tomorrow (Tuesday, November 7th) and an Early Release (Wednesday, November 8th) as teachers are hosting parent/teacher conferences.
about 1 year ago, Dustin Gray
Good Afternoon William Allen Families, Our most recent newsletter is posted on our website. You can also copy and paste this link for access: https://www.smore.com/wqjbr It is very important all parents take 10 minutes to read this.
about 1 year ago, Dustin Gray
Your tax bill and the Free & Reduced Meals application - https://bit.ly/3sTKDQO
over 1 year ago, SAU 54 Admin
RSD meal prices
Good Afternoon William Allen Families, Our first newsletter of the year is posted on our website. You can also copy and paste this link for access: https://www.smore.com/0g1xjy It is very important all parents take 10 minutes to read this.
over 1 year ago, Dustin Gray
Today (9-8-23) will be an early release for the Rochester School Department. MS&HS release at 11:15 and Elementary Schools dismiss at 12:15 p.m.
over 1 year ago, SAU 54 Admin
WAS Families, With this week's weather forecast, please send your child dressed appropriately for the heat daily, along with a refillable water bottle.
over 1 year ago, Dustin Gray
Good Afternoon William Allen Families, Here are a few reminders from the first week: 1) Next Monday is a holiday, school is closed 2) Our school spirit web store is open for WAS gear... It will close in the next few weeks. https://collinssports.chipply.com/williamallenapparel/ 3) We had our first practice evacuation drill today. The students did great. Many thanks to all the staff for their continued support in keeping everyone safe. 4) Car loop request- all cars should come from downtown on Charles Street whenever possible to avoid congestion.
over 1 year ago, Dustin Gray
WAS Families, 1) Our gear store has launched, this will be a great opportunity for a William Allen t-shirt, fall gear, or an early holiday gift... https://collinssports.chipply.com/williamallenapparel/ 2) Drop-off and pick-up is going well. Please observe our no-idling policy.
over 1 year ago, Dustin Gray
Good Afternoon William Allen Families! We hope everyone is having a great summer, as here at the school, everyone is working hard to prepare for the new school year. You will receive letters and/or hear from your classroom teachers as the first day of school draws nearer. We also need your help before the school year starts. Please share with friends and neighbors that we are looking to hire paraeducators for the school year and cafeteria supervisors for the school year. The cafeteria supervisors work on an hourly basis daily for 2 hours/day, supervising children at lunch and recess. This is a great opportunity for getting started working in a school or for those who can afford a few hours to help and get paid for it at the same time. Building paraprofessionals are on site for 6 hours/day (minimum) for 5 days/week and help out throughout the building with various student needs. There are several benefits to being a paraprofessional, including district-provided course reimbursement toward professional growth. Through a new program launched at New England College, high school graduates who are hired as paraprofessionals at William Allen can also be dually enrolled at New England College and receive their Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education or Special Education in less than 3 years! NEC also offers financial aid for their program for those who qualify. Email Mr. Gray, gray.d@sau54.org, or call the school if you are interested in either job. This is also our first post of the new school year, so this also doubles as a test that we have everyone's information correct. Please check with friends and neighbors to see if they also received this. If someone did not, have them contact the school at 603-332-2280.
over 1 year ago, Dustin Gray
Please register your kindergarten student as early as possible. ​Here is the link​ to the registration information. https://bit.ly/3nEk6EL
over 1 year ago, SAU 54 Admin
Kindergarten flyer
2023-2024 Meal prices - https://bit.ly/449g7Q5 Please complete an online Free & Reduced meal application at https://www.myschoolapps.com/
over 1 year ago, SAU 54 Admin
23-24 meal applications
Paraprofessional Opportunities
over 1 year ago, SAU 54 Admin
Paraprofessional Opportunities
Please register your kindergarten student as early as possible. ​Here is the link​ to the registration information. https://bit.ly/3nEk6EL
over 1 year ago, SAU 54 Admin
Kindergarten flyer