Today the 7-Day Test Positivity has reached 10% or higher for the second consecutive day in a row (10.3% & 11%). Per school board policy relative to masks, all students and staff will wear masks while indoors for five days. Masks will be required tomorrow, November 18th through November 23rd. Stay tuned for additional alerts related
We would like to send a big shout out to our Kindergarten Paraeducators for always going above and beyond to support their classrooms. We appreciate you!
Don't forget that tomorrow (11/17) is our last day for the Thanksgiving Food Drive!
More Team Player Shout Outs!
More Team Player Shout Outs!
Congratulations to Braylyn who received a Team Player Shout Out!
Check out our November Food Drive at William Allen!
Parent-Teacher Conferences and Early Release-November 2 and 3
Let the Halloween festivities begin!
Let the Halloween festivities begin!
On Friday the second grade team celebrated the culmination of the Early Asian Civilization Unit with a celebration!
We have Picture Retake Day tomorrow!
Check on this PTA event on November 1!
Check out the PTA Fundraiser on October 7th!
Next week is Pack the House Food Drive!
Here's William Allen's First Wildcat Shout-Outs!
This is a reminder that today is an Early Release. Students are dismissed at 12:15 pm. Kindergarten students are dismissed at the same time as everyone else on an Early Release day. Please stay in your cars during parent drop off and pick up. Thank you!
William Allen PTA Meeting at 6:30 pm on September 15th
We are exited to see you tomorrow!
Picture Day is Coming Soon!
Ordering Information
1.) Visit us online at
2.) Use this unique code to login and pre-order photos 3FBDL58W
3.) Select your package, prints or novelties and checkout