This week's family update!

Check out the most recent Gonic Family Updates- https://5il.co/27jc2

Today (9-8-23) will be an early release for the Rochester School Department. MS&HS release at 11:15 and Elementary Schools dismiss at 12:15 p.m.

Please register your kindergarten student as early as possible. Here is the link to the registration information. https://bit.ly/3nEk6EL

2023-2024 Meal prices - https://bit.ly/449g7Q5
Please complete an online Free & Reduced meal application at https://www.myschoolapps.com/

Paraprofessional Opportunities

Please register your kindergarten student as early as possible. Here is the link to the registration information. https://bit.ly/3nEk6EL

Our entire district would like to congratulate Mr. Harry Proulx on his retirement from his position as our Facilities Operations Manager. Harry's commitment to our district has been 2nd to none- we thank him for all of his years of service to our students, staff, & community.

Thinking about a career change? We have several open special education paraprofessional positions available here at Gonic School. Visit https://www.applitrack.com/rochesterschools/onlineapp/ to apply! Perfect position is you are trying to match your hours to your child's!!!

Please register your kindergarten student as early as possible. Here is the link to the registration information. https://bit.ly/3nEk6EL

5th-grade families, you are cordially invited to the RMS Step-Up Night!!!

Please register your kindergarten student as early as possible. Here is the link to the registration information. https://bit.ly/3nEk6EL

On behalf of the entire Rochester community, a special thank you and appreciation to all of our amazing Paraeducators who work so closely with staff and students!!

Students and families in grades PK-12, please join in on the CTE Spirit Week fun - Feb. 13-17th! http://bit.ly/3DdHWvV

With the theme of “School Counselors: Helping Students Dream Big,” National School Counseling Week, Feb. 6-10, aims to highlight school counselors' invaluable contribution to our schools and students. http://bit.ly/40ztQ1F

A few pictures from our Friendsgiving celebration!

Thank you, Veterans!

Gonic School student flu vaccine clinic will be held on Thursday November 3rd from 8:30-11:30. Only those students with signed permission forms will be given the vaccine.

Rochester Listens and Rochester Mental Health Alliance invite you to a community conversation about mental health.