Attention @RMS_NH families, our Holiday Chorus Concert is now available to stream. Please visit https://youtu.be/2rl8xUy0pVI to view our student's wonderful performance for earlier this week.

Attention @RMS_NH families, our Holiday Band Concert is now available to stream. Please visit https://youtu.be/QRcDPt_wRj8 to view our student's wonderful performance for earlier this week.

Attention @RMS_NH families. Tonight's Chorus Concert can be accessed without logging into the Meet with Google Account via this live streaming link https://stream.meet.google.com/stream/a2d66eaa-82ad-4494-a594-0d046393996c

Attention @RMS_NH families, our Chorus Concert will be live streamed tonight at https://youtu.be/YsW3GpLesc4. The concert is in-person with masks required for all attendees. 6th Grade - 5:40 PM, 7th Grade - 6:25 PM, & 8th Grade - 7:10 PM

Attention @RMS_NH families, our Chorus Concert will be live streamed tonight at https://meet.google.com/kfj-jbkn-eqm. We are working to improve the sound quality. The concert is in-person with masks required for all attendees. 6th - 5:40 PM, 7th - 6:25 PM, & 8th - 7:10 PM.

Attention @RMS_NH families, we are having technical difficulties with the YouTube live stream for tonight's Band Concert. Please join this Google Meet instead to view the concert starting at 7 pm. https://meet.google.com/jzr-khba-hov

Attention @RMS_NH families, our Chorus Concert will be live streamed on Tuesday December 14th at https://youtu.be/YsW3GpLesc4. The concert is in-person with masks required for all attendees. 6th Grade - 5:40 PM, 7th Grade - 6:25 PM, & 8th Grade - 7:10 PM.

Attention @RMS_NH families, our Band Concert will be live streamed tonight at 7:00 pm. The concert is in-person with masks required for all attendees. Please consider joining us by logging onto https://youtu.be/rjWV162KsXg

Attention @RMS_NH families, our Chorus Concert will be live streamed on Tuesday December 14th. 6th Grade - 5:40 PM, 7th Grade - 6:25 PM, & 8th Grade - 7:10 PM. Please consider joining us by logging onto https://youtu.be/YsW3GpLesc4

Attention @RMS_NH families, our Band Concert will be live streamed on Monday December 13th at 7:00. Please consider joining us by logging onto https://youtu.be/rjWV162KsXg

Congratulations to @RMS_NH Positive Office Referral recipients for October!

A reminder for all @RMS_NH families that November 24 - 26 is the Thanksgiving Break and there will be no school. We wish all of our families and community a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Today the 7-Day Test Positivity has reached 10% or higher for the second consecutive day in a row (10.3% & 11%). Per school board policy relative to masks, all students and staff will wear masks while indoors for five days. Masks will be required tomorrow, November 18th through November 23rd. Stay tuned for additional alerts related

Congratulations to @RMS_NH students being recognized for Positive Office Referrals for the month of September!

A reminder for @RMS_NH families that there will be no school on Thursday November 11th for Veterans Day. To all those who have served, and those who continue to serve… Happy Veterans Day!

Attention @RMS_NH families, picture retakes will take place on Thursday November 4th. Please see the attached flyer for ordering details.

Attention @RMS_NH families, picture retakes will take place on Thursday November 4th. Please see the attached flyer for ordering details.

A reminder for all @RMS_NH families that Tuesday November 2nd is a Teacher Workshop Day and there will be no school. Wednesday November 3rd is a Early Release Day and students will be dismissed at 11:30 am.

Attention @RMS_NH families, picture retakes will take place on Thursday November 4th. Please see the attached flyer for ordering details.

A reminder for all @RMS_NH families that Tuesday November 2nd is a Teacher Workshop Day and there will be no school. Wednesday November 3rd is a Early Release Day and students will be dismissed at 11:30 am.