A reminder for all @RMS_NH families that Tuesday November 2nd is a Teacher Workshop Day and there will be no school. Wednesday November 3rd is a Early Release Day and students will be dismissed at 11:30 am.

Attention @RMS_NH families, picture retakes will take place on Thursday November 4th. Please see the attached flyer for ordering details.

Attention @RMS_NH families, we will be hosting a Fall Open House tonight (Tuesday October 19th). Team specific times are listed on the flyer. We hope to see you there!

Attention @RMS_NH families, we will be hosting a Fall Open House on Tuesday October 19th. Team specific times are listed on the flyer. We hope to see you there!

Attention @RMS_NH families, we will be hosting a Fall Open House on Tuesday October 19th. Team specific times are listed on the flyer. We hope to see you there!

Attention @RMS_NH families, we will be hosting a Fall Open House on Tuesday October 19th. Team specific times are listed on the flyer. We hope to see you there!

A reminder for @RMS_NH families that Wednesday October 13th is an Early Release Day. Students will be dismissed starting at 11:30 am.

Attention @RMS_NH families, we will be hosting a Fall Open House on Tuesday October 19th. Team specific times are listed on the flyer. We hope to see you there!

A reminder for @RMS_NH families that there is no school on Monday October 11th. Have a safe and enjoyable long weekend!

@RMS_NH congratulates our 2021 / 2022 NJHS Inductees!

The @RMS_NH Band had the chance to join the @SpauldingHS Band at the @SpldngFootball game Friday night!

Attention @RMS_NH families. Picture Day is on Friday September 24th. Please see the flyer below for ordering information.

Attention @RMS_NH families, bus R-16 has a mechanical issue and students will be delayed getting home. We are expecting a replacement bus to come soon to run the route.

A reminder for @RMS_NH families that Wednesday September 22nd is a Early Release Day. Students will be dismissed at 11:30 am.

Attention @RMS_NH families. Picture Day is on Friday September 24th. Please see the flyer below for ordering information.

Attention @RMS_NH families. Picture Day is on Friday September 24th. Please see the flyer below for ordering information.

Attention @RMS_NH families. Picture Day is on Friday September 24th. Please see the flyer below for ordering information.

Attention @RMS_NH families. Picture Day is on Friday September 24th. Please see the flyer below for ordering information.

Attention @RMS_NH families. Picture Day is on Friday September 24th. Please see the flyer below for ordering information.

Attention @RMS_NH Girls Volleyball players. Tryouts for all interested girls will be after school on Tuesday September 7th in the Gymnasium. Coach Baita requests that all players must submit a signed copy of the district athletic rules and regulations.