Science Department
The science offerings at Spaulding High School provide students with an opportunity to think about and to study the principles, concepts, and great issues of science. A sequence of courses meets the educational needs of the following groups of students:
Students not planning to continue their education beyond high school but who require an understanding of science as it relates to the world around them.
Students welcoming more exposure to science techniques and content through problem solving in a laboratory situation. The program for this type of student satisfies the prerequisites for future training in such areas as nursing, engineering, and liberal arts.
A common trend in all science courses is the provision of knowledge and skills relating to the metric system and a working knowledge of the scientific process as it relates to the course and to everyday living. Students develop the competence in science necessary to meet the needs of modern life, to recognize the contributions of science to human welfare, and to become aware of career opportunities in the field of science.
Environmental Science students attending the NH Watershed Conference

Environmental Science students attended the NH Watershed Conference. They presented the work they have been doing and listened to others. They were the only high school group at the conference and did an awesome job representing SHS!