Special Education
The Special Education Department at Spaulding High School provides instructional, resource and counseling services to those educationally disabled students who have unique educational needs which can be met only through specially designed school programs
Eligible students may receive a variety of services. For example, some students may be scheduled for mainstream academic classes which are modified to accommodate students’ specific strengths and weaknesses. Other students may be scheduled for self-contained classes taught within the Special Education Department.
To take advantage of any program, students must follow the procedures established by the Guidance and Special Education Departments and by the District Placement Team. All procedures are governed by the New Hampshire Standards for the Education of Handicapped Students. An Individualized Educational Plan (IEP) is developed and followed for each special education student.
Enrollment in any courses offered by the Special Education Department is by IEP team recommendation. Course selections for incoming students who are working at the Skills level will be determined at the IEP team meeting. If unsure of status, contact the Special Education Department.

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